2nd Annual World Open Innovation Conference
Best Emerging Scholar Paper and Best Student Paper Awards
This year, the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation is pleased to announce the winners of first Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award.
The awards were presented to the winners at the 2nd Annual World Open Innovation Conference held November 19-20, 2015 in Silicon Valley.
The 2015 Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award was presented to:
Francesca Di Pietro
“How Should Entrepreneurs Use the Crowd to Succeed?”
(paper co-authored with Andrea Prencipe and Ann Majchrzak)
Honorable mention goes to the finalists of the 2015 Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award:
Roberto Camerani and Monica Masucci:
“The Interplay of Inbound and Outbound Open Innovation and its Impact on Firm Performance” (co-authors: Stefano Denicolai and Giovanni Valentini).
Jeremiah Johnson:
“The Paradox of Minority Dissent in Corporate Innovation Challenges” (co-authors: Ann Majchrzak and Sabine Brunswicker).
The 2015 Best Student Paper Award was presented to:
David Tamoschus
(paper co-authored with Christoph Hienerth and Monika Lessl)
Left-to-right, Professor Henry Chesbrough, David Tamoschus, and Assoc. Professor Marcel Bogers.
Honorable mention goes to the finalists of the 2015 Best Student Paper Award:
Freek Meulman:
“Searching for Partners in Open Innovation Settings: How to Overcome Bounded Rationality and Limited Resources” (co-authors: Ksenia Podoynitsyna, Isabelle Reymen and Georges Romme).
Mehdi Bagherzadeh:
“Project Attributes and Choices of ‘Open Innovation Mode’” (co-author: Sabine Brunswicker).
Bernadette Baumstark:
“Creating Shared Value by Open Innovation: The Case of The Concept Car Smart Forvision”.