Industry Sessions
7th Annual World Open Innovation Conference

Conducting Horizon 3 Transformative Experiments within A Firm Through Learn Fast/Fail Fast Approaches
Presenter: Claus von Riegen, Head of Business Model Innovation;
- How can open innovation help in formulating an ongoing strategy
that combines the interests of the customer and incentives of the sales
organization? - Customers are not used to running experiments (but rather expect SAP
us to focus on continuous and adjacent innovation – Horizons 1 and 2. - SAP sales organization is neither skilled nor incentivized to position
such experiments (hard to explain a very new value proposition & lack of
interest due to typically small deal sizes).
- What are your recommendations to ensure the best of both worlds
can be combined? - Which customers should SAP focus on for these new business models
in Horizon 3? - What distribution channel(s) should SAP prioritize for Horizon 3

Creating New Ecosystems to Expand Markets
Presenter: Charlie Isaacs, CTO Customer Connections
- How can Salesforce develop a dynamic Innovative Business Ecosystem
utilizing an Open Innovation Platform to Expand Markets? - What differences must Salesforce address in Southeast Asia?
- How can Salesforce accelerate expansion utilizing a two-sided platform through which it can address its internal and external challenges to
enhance customer experience? What data should Salesforce offer to
share with its ecosystem? What data should it reserve to itself?
- What design features would create traction and stickiness for Salesforce customers, ecosystem partners, academics and government entities in Southeast Asia? Who else has done this well?
- How can the digitalized OI platform (interface, functions, etc.) be made easier to collect ideas to resolve challenges quickly? Who owns the data on the customer?
- What issues do you see, as a user of an OI platform from different perspectives in order to effectively use such OI platform? How could the issues be overcome?

Managing transformation at the intersection between Energy, Sustainability & IoT
Presenter: Stefan Kneip, Vice President Energy & Digitalization, Siemens IoT Consulting
- What type of innovations & business models do utilities need to develop in order to manage the challenge of digitalization, decarbonization & cost efficiency?
- How can utilities upgrade existing products by using digitalization?
- Which new products like Hardware-as-a-Service can be developed due to new digital possibilities?
- What type of new customers can be addressed by digital that could not have been targeted before?
- Creative ideas & business models on how utilities could disrupt their current markets/ expand into new markets, focusing on:
a. What is the value proposition?
b. Which customer segments shall be addressed?
c. Which obstacles need to be overcome; what resources are needed?
d. What type of partner ecosystem is needed?

Creating New Business Opportunities Leveraging Emerging 5G Technologies
Presenter: Mallik Tatipamula, CTO
Given the emergence of 5G technology that requires new technology infrastructure and layout:
- What new services and markets can Telecom Operators create within the existing market as well as new customer segments?
- How can telecom operators stimulate more rapid adoption of 5G by their traditional customers?
- How can Telcos test new service offerings enabled by 5G?
- Given the many more cell towers required by 5G, are there innovative ways Ericsson can respond (such as opening these towers to other 5G operators) to reduce the total number of new towers needed?
Please define your proposed:
a) Customer segments
b) Value proposition to the customers
c) Revenue generation mechanisms
d) New resources needed to create the value
e) Partnerships and alliances needed to accelerate the market expansion

Overcoming Bottlenecks that Block the Successful Use of Open Innovation within Organizations
Presenter: Ron Weerdmeester, Leader in Strategic Innovation Services
- What are the key bottlenecks and solutions for industry to engage in OI, identify relevant external knowledge and technologies, and collaborate with other stakeholders from private sector (large enterprises and SMEs), public sector (governments, public authorities) and research sector (academia, research institutions)?
- How can PNO boost OI for industrial clients by overcoming their key bottlenecks?
- What are the bottlenecks for industries towards OI and what is hindering OI among different stakeholders segments? i.e. LEs, SMEs, Public Bodies and Research sector.
- Which potential solutions PNO could develop to overcome these bottlenecks and fuel OI collaboration among these stakeholders?
a. Tools/Instruments
b. Processes
c. Capabilities/Expertise
d. KPIs