Call for Papers

7th Annual World Open Innovation Conference


Following the recommendations many of you have shared, we are extending the deadline for the submission until 25th of August so that the projects ideas developed at the Academy of Management can be submitted.

We invite submissions of either extended abstracts (1,500-3,000 words, all inclusive) or full papers (5,000-10,000 words, all-inclusive) for empirical or conceptual papers — with theoretical and/or managerial implications. These will be considered for the research paper portion of the program. Papers related to the conference theme are encouraged but this is not a requirement.

This year we will consider submissions of not only extended abstracts but of full papers as well — both due on August 15. Authors may choose to submit either type of submission, depending on the stage of development of the work they want to present. In contrast to earlier years, there will not be a requirement for submitters of (accepted) extended abstracts to submit their full paper. In other words, only one submission will be required. Note that submission of a full paper is a requirement to be considered for awards and/or CMR special section (see more below).

During the submission process we kindly ask authors to select one of the above “open innovation topics” (#’s 1-6) that best fits their submission. These topics will be used in the review process and design of the conference program. We aim to group papers together on the basis of their topics, stage of development, and reviewer evaluation, and they may be accepted as traditional paper presentations or as a poster presentation.

The submissions will be reviewed by the WOIC Editorial Board, while we will also ask submitting authors whether they are willing to help out as reviewers. The reviewers will also be asked to provide a short feedback on each of the submissions (extended abstract or full paper) they review.

All submissions for research papers will be evaluated along the following criteria:

  • Theoretical background and development
  • Methodological rigor
  • Insight into challenges and practices of managing open innovation
  • Potential contribution to open innovation research
  • Clarity of writing
  • Fit to conference theme and suitability to award (not a requirement for acceptance)

The reviewers’ assessment of the submissions and their related rating will be used as a basis for acceptance decisions. The reviewers will be asked to take into account whether the submission is an extended abstracts or a full paper. In some cases, and especially for extended abstracts, acceptance decisions will be based on a draft that is not yet fully finished — sometimes implying that the analysis of data may not be fully complete. While this is acceptable, the submission should still describe completed (rather than planned) research, and the submitted draft should in itself be complete and coherent. We expect that at least data are collected and initial analyses are done to present preliminary results and conclusions. Proposals that talk about data to be collected will be deferred to a future conference. The extended abstracts and full papers that are accepted for presentation at the conference will be shared among the conference participants. In addition, a Book of Abstracts will be made published on the conference website.

“Rule of One”

Every author is allowed to present only one paper at the conference. It is allowed to have more than one paper accepted, if each paper is presented by a different co-author.

Special Section in California Management Review

The journal California Management Review (CMR) will publish a special section on “Open Innovation” with selected papers from this conference. (Note that this is not the CMR special section on “Digital Transformation” for which there is a separate call and process.) Submission of a full paper on August 15 is required to be considered for the special section. The submitted full papers will be shortlisted based on the above-mentioned criteria — with a fit to the conference theme being encouraged but not required. The selected papers will be announced after the conference, and they will be subject to further review.