4th Annual World Open Innovation Conference

Conference Theme

This year’s conference theme is “Strategic and Public Policies for Open Innovation”. This theme reflects the increasing interest in and practice of open innovation within industry and policy making. Open innovation policies are designed to promote a course of action that encourages knowledge flows across organizational boundaries in a way that it benefits relevant stakeholders, including individual, organizations and the society at large. In order to better understand how open innovation can become embedded into firm strategies and into national and global innovation systems, more research on open innovation “policies” is needed. For instance, what kinds of policy levers (e.g., IP systems, competition policies, innovation policies, etc.) need to be designed in order to promote and support open innovation initiatives? What are the mechanisms through which such policies achieve their impact? Which contingencies do strategic and public policies generate in the context of open innovation? What is the role of Shared Value practices inside corporations, in shaping policies that support and sustain innovation? We hope to explore these and other questions during the conference.

Paper Topics

Besides specific submissions in relation to the above-mentioned conference theme, the conference more generally seeks original research on a wide range of topics related to open innovation that contribute to a better multi-level understanding of open innovation.


Following Bogers et al.’s (2017) recent conceptualization of open innovation “research categories” that embrace a multi-level perspective, we are seeking submissions related to the following themes
  1. Open innovation behavior & cognition, e.g.,
    • Individual-level attributes and behaviors associated with open innovation (e.g., identity, commitment, motivation, resistance to change, communication and learning)
    • Human resource management in the context of open innovation
  2. Open innovation strategy and design, e.g.,
    • Formal and informal organizational structures for open innovation
    • Nature and outcomes of entrepreneurial opportunities that open innovation can enable and help to enact
    • Combinations of “open” and “closed” strategies
    • Business model innovation
  3. Open innovation communities and users, e.g.,
    • Leveraging knowledge produced by individual users with different abilities and motivations
    • How to sustain different forms of open innovation communities
    • Alignment between organizations and communities of innovation
  4. Open innovation ecosystems, e.g.,
    • How new network forms combine value creation and value capture
    • Interactions (and their governance) between heterogeneous actors in innovation ecosystems
    • Governance of digital platforms
    • Crowd-based search and financing
  5. Open policy & governance, e.g.,
    • The design, implementation, and effects of policies for open innovation
    • New forms of democracy and collaborative public management (e.g., cities, regions, governments)
    • Open strategy, both in process and in content
  6. Others topics that do not directly fit the above themes, such as
    • Technology, digitization and open innovation
    • Open innovation in different contexts (e.g., services, SMEs, international business, different industries)
    • New metrics or methodologies for studying open innovation
    • Linking open innovation to broader theories of management or economics