Recipients from the 5th Annual World Open Innovation Conference
The Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation is pleased to announce the winners of the Kaja Rangus Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award.
This year’s winners received a plaque and a $1,000 cash award. The awards were presented to the winners at the 5th Annual World Open Innovation Conference held December 13-14, 2018 in San Francisco, CA.
Kaja Rangus was Assistant Professor in the Academic Unit for Entrepreneurship, in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana. She worked on Open Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking. Kaja was “runner-up” for the WOIC 2016 Best Emerging Scholar Award for her work on “The Role of Open Innovation Mindset in Entrepreneur’s Alertness and Firm’s Financial Performance”. She passed away at the beginning of 2018, and to honor her contribution to the scholarship and community of Open Innovation, the WOIC Organizing Committee named the Best Emerging Scholar Award in memory of Dr. Kaja Rangus. See award recipient and runner-up below.

Kaja Rangus Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award 2018
Presented to:
Johanna Slot
“Eyes on the Prize: Effects of Prize Structure on Idea Creativity in Crowdsourcing Contests”
(co-authors: Raji Srinivasan and Stefan Wuyts)

Best Student Paper Award 2018
Presented to:
Hardik Bhimani
“What lies beneath? Exploring the Cognitive Processes of (dis)engagement in Open Innovation”
(co-authors: Anne-Laure Mention and Dimitrios Salampasis)
Runner-up: Kaja Rangus Best Emerging Scholar Paper
Runner-up: Best Student Paper

Ekaterina Albats
“Open Innovation in SMEs: a Process View towards Opening-up a Business Model”
(co-authors: Wim Vanhaverbeke and Daria Podmetina)

Audrey Rouyre
“Managing Open Innovation projects between competitors Evidence from the space industry ”
(co-authors: Anne-Sophie Fernandez)