Call for Papers

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1,500-3,000 words, all inclusive) for empirical or conceptual papers — with theoretical and/or managerial implications. These will be considered for the research paper portion of the program (see separate Call for Problems for the submissions sought for the managerial/practitioner portion of the program).

Guidelines for the submissions are:
  • 12 point font size, single line spacing and wide margins (2-3 cm/1”);
  • Include the paper title on the top of the first page;
  • Do not include author name(s) or any other author-identifying information;
  • Abstract is optional;
  • The 1,500-3,000 word count applies to all aspects of the abstract, including references, tables, and figures.

The extended abstracts will be reviewed by the WOIC Editorial Board and the reviewer scores will be used as a basis for acceptance decisions. The reviewers will also be asked to provide a short feedback on each of the abstracts they review.

Abstracts for research papers will be evaluated along the following criteria:

  • Theoretical contribution
  • Methodological rigor
  • Clarity of writing
  • Overall fit to open innovation
  • Fit to “Open Innovation in the Digital Age” (ONLY for those papers that authors want to be considered for the R&D Management special issue).

While acceptance decisions will be based on an abstract submission — and thus in some cases the analysis of data may not be fully complete — the submission should describe completed (rather than planned) research. We expect that at least data are collected and initial analyses are done to present preliminary results and conclusions (still noting the above-mentioned criteria). Proposals that talk about data to be collected will be deferred to a future conference. Papers to be considered for the R&D Management special issue should be fully developed in order to be considered for possible submission invitation.