Call for Papers

The conference seeks original research on a wide range of topics related to Open Innovation.

These would include (but are not limited to):

  • Open innovation in the digital age (specifically for papers to be considered for the special issue, see below for more background).
  • Open innovation across multiple levels of analysis
  • The boundary conditions, moderating effects or contingency factors for open innovation
  • Pecuniary and non-pecuniary mechanisms for enabling open innovation
  • Organizational enablers and barriers for open innovation
  • Communities, networks, ecosystems, alliances, and other coupled forms of open innovation
  • Crowdsourcing, intermediaries, and other ways to organize open innovation
  • The role of individuals in the open innovation process
  • The role of human resource management practices in open innovation
  • The role of technologies in helping (or hindering) open innovation processes
  • The relation between open innovation, business models, and strategy
  • Open versus proprietary intellectual property (IP) models for open innovation
  • The impact of open innovation upon new service offerings
  • The effect of government policies in helping (or hindering) open innovation
  • The use of open innovation by government and other not-for-profit entities
  • How open innovation functions in different contexts, including high-tech and low-tech industries, SMEs and large organizations, and domestic and international.
  • The role of open innovation in entrepreneurship
  • How organizational design promotes or hampers open innovation
  • Linking open innovation to broader theories of management or economics
  • The relation of open innovation (research) to other domains and disciplines, such as operations, finance, accounting, etc.
  • The relation of open innovation to functional areas beyond R&D, such as manufacturing and marketing.
  • Developing metrics (and new research designs) for measuring the impact of open innovation.
  • The costs, downsides, failures, and negative effects of open innovation
  • The interplay between internal and external knowledge flows innovation processes
  • How open innovation relates to other types of openness, such as open source, open science and open access.